Supporting you to have conversations
about care during COVID-19You may have lots of questions about advance care planning and how you can be involved. Explore the questions and key terms section below, taking breaks as you need to.
Key Terms
There are a number of key terms associated with advance care planning.
Take a few moments to familiarise yourself with theseAdvance care planning
The process of making decisions about future care options and preferences.
Advance Care Plan
The document that contains decisions about what care someone would like to receive.
Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR)
This is a recommendation that CPR should not be attempted if the heart and breathing stop either because it would not work or because it would not be wanted. Every resident or family member should be offered the opportunity to discuss CPR during advance care planning, but the decision whether CPR would work or not is a medical decision.
It is important to remember that if a DNACPR recommendation is in place, your loved one will still be given other active treatment and care as relevant. If a resident or family member wishes a DNACPR to be legally binding, this should be included in an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment document (legal document in England and Wales).
Mental capacity
A legal term which is used when a person is able to participate in decisions about their own welfare and wellbeing. Capacity is decision-specific and people must be assumed to have capacity and given every opportunity to engage in shared decision-making.
Family Care Conference
A meeting to discuss advance care planning and produce an Advance Care Plan.
Statement of wishes and preferences for care
An overview of the day-to-day needs and preferences of your loved one’s care. It forms part of the Advance Care Plan.
Emergency care plan
Contains details of the care and realistic treatment that your loved one would prefer, and wishes to refuse, in an emergency. It forms part of the Advance Care Plan.
Best Interests decision-making
Best interests decision-making is a process to make a decision on behalf of a person who is not able to understand, retain or weigh up the information to make that decision. This Best Interests principle is set out in legislation.
Power of Attorney
When a representative, for example a family member, is legally appointed to act on behalf of another person, for example a care home resident. It is important to note that in some regions Power of Attorney is split into decision about financial matters and/or welfare. In this instance, Power of Attorney for welfare would need to be in place as a financial Power of Attorney may not have legal powers to decide about health and welfare issues.
A solicitor can help you with the Power of Attorney process. If you have Power of Attorney in place already, it may be helpful to provide the nursing home with original or certified copies of these documents.
Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
This is a legal document in England and Wales which outlines treatment not wanted and in what circumstances.
We hope you find the information included on this website helpful, however should you require further information, we have put together a range of additional resources that you may find useful.
Thank you for going on this learning journey with us. We hope you found the content engaging, interesting and useful for your journey ahead.
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